of Contents
A: Executive Overview
APIIC is the premier organization of Andhra
Pradesh that provides industrial infrastructure through
development of industrial areas across the districts of Andhra
The APIIC ensures each Industrial park
/industrial development park industrial area is surveyed, measured
and site plans of plots/sheds/shops/godowns are prepared,
boundaries fixed; and all the necessary details like dimensions,
extent of plot /area, survey no. etc. are made available in the
zonal and concerned sub- zonal offices and published on the APIIC
website, for information of the entrepreneurs.
Any newly developed industrial area is
officially notified to the public through newspapers and published
on the APIIC website, inviting Applications from the entrepreneurs
for allotment.
In case of existing industrial areas, the
area-wise vacancy positions for the plots/sheds/shops/godowns,
available for allotment are displayed on the Notice boards of the
Zonal and sub-zonal offices and published on the APIIC website.
The entrepreneurs seeking plots/sheds/shops/godowns for allotment;
to set- up their industries/Businesses or common use facility for
industries, can file their online Applications on the APIIC
website (
The ‘Online
Application’ module facilitates the entrepreneurs to submit their
application for allotment in the preferred industrial area of any
district, expediting the process of submission against the
conventional process of submitting the physical Application in the
concerned Zonal /Sub-Zonal offices.
Online Application
system has many advantages over physical Application submission; a
few of them are listed as under:
- It can be submitted quickly and easily
- The system checks for any errors in the Application and
pops alert messages
- The system has series of security procedures to prevent
any un-intended user to access the details.
- It can be saved for future use
- It can be updated for details any time before the closing
- It can be submitted any time -24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, before the closing date.
- As the application is submitted directly to APIIC , the
risk of missing the deadline is minimized
- It saves time with capability to apply for multiple plot
allotments at one time
- It facilitates real-time tracking of the Application
- It Eliminates the risk of losing the application while
- Facilitates notifications in the form on emails/SMS on
submission of Application and at various levels of processing
the online Application is submitted, the physical application in
the prescribed format needs to be submitted within 2 days of
filing the online Application.
the Applications submitted at the Zonal /Sub-Zonal/ Head office
levels are presented for evaluation in the Committee meetings held
at the District & Head office level or state level, depending
upon the extent of plot or cost of land. The decision of the
committee on the Application is communicated to the Applicant via
The purpose of this document is to serve as a user guide for the
Online Application module developed by Kensium for the APIIC
website; and present an overview of the online
Application system explaining the concepts and functionality of
the same.
B: Users
The following are the user types and their
roles in the Online Application module:
- Register to the APIIC website
- Manage Profile
- Create application for allotment of
- View report on Applications
C: Online Application Module
This section provides a high level
understanding of the functionality of the Online Application
module with the help of appropriate screenshot from the APIIC
Registration-Getting Started
- To access the Online Application module, log-on to the
APIIC website
- Click on the ‘ apply’ tab on the Home page of the APIIC
website. it will show the accordion menu
Screen #1: APIIC website Home page
- click on ‘ Online Land Allotment Application ’ from the
menu as it shown in above screen, user is redirected to ‘Sign in
‘screen of Online Application module, in a new window, as
indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #2: Online Application- Sign in screen
- The ‘Sign-in ‘ screen will display login
section and registration section
- Existing users will enter their email ID and password and
click on the ‘Sign in’ button to access their
profile page
- As registration is a prerequisite to access the Online
Application module, new user needs to register to the website by
clicking on the ‘Register Now!’ button
New User Registration
- On clicking the ‘Register Now!’ button ,
system will display the registration form to be filled-in by the
user, as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #3: Registration Form
- The registration form is divided into the following 2
sections :
- Profile Information
- Company information
- User needs to enter the following details under ‘Profile
Information’ section:
- Surname – Enter surname
- First Name – Enter First name
- Mobile No.- Enter 10 digit mobile number
on which you wish to receive SMS alerts
- Confirm Mobile No. – Re-enter the mobile
number for confirmation
- Email ID – Enter the email ID on which
you which you wish to receive email notifications
- Confirm Email ID – Re-enter the email ID
for confirmation
- Password – Enter the password you choose
to log-in to your account on APIIC website
- Confirm Password- Re-enter the password
for confirmation
Note 1: All the fields are
mandatory to enter.
- User needs to enter the following details under ‘Company
Information’ section:
- Company Name - Enter the registered
company name
- Company Phone – Enter the company
landline phone number
- Company Address – Enter the contact
address of the company
Note 2: All the fields are
mandatory to enter.
- After all the above mentioned details are filled-in,
enter the CAPTCH code displayed in the images.
- Click on ‘Clear’ button to clear and
re-enter the details.
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate
back to the ‘Sign in ‘ screen
My Home
- On successful registration, the system redirects the user
to the ‘Home page’ of the users account , as indicated in the
screenshot below :
Screen #4: Home Screen of registers user
- The system displays the successful registration and
welcome message on the top of screen
- The home page display the summary of Applications
generate by the user along with the status
- Click on the ‘New Application’ button to
generate a new application for allotment
- Click on the ‘Profile’ button to go to
the ‘Manage Profile’ screen
- Click on the ‘Update Firm Details’ button
to go to the ‘Manage Firm Details’ section in the Manage Profile
- Click on the ‘Update Promoter Details’ button
to go to the ‘Manage Promoter Details’ section in the Manage
Profile screen
On clicking the ‘Profile’ button the user is
redirected to the ‘Manage Profile’ screen, as indicated in the
screenshot below:
Screen #5: Manage Profile Screen
- The ‘Manage Profile’ screen displays the dashboard with
the following links:
- Home
- Manage Firm details
- Manage Promoter details
- Change Email ID
- Change Mobile No.
- Change Password
- By default the ‘Home’ link is selected and it displays
the purpose of the profile dashboard.
- User can also navigate to the ‘Home’
page of the manage profile screen by clicking on the ‘Home’
option under the ‘Profile’ link at the top right
of the website
Manage Firm Details
- Click on the ‘Manage Firm details ‘ link on the dashboard
,the system displays a form to update the firm details
- User can also navigate to the ‘Manage
Firm Details’ page of the manage profile screen by clicking on
the ‘Manage Firm Details’ option under the ‘Profile’
link at the top right of the website , as indicated in the
screenshot below:
Screen #6: Manage Firm Details
- The ‘Manage Firm Details’ form is divided into the
following 2 sections:
- Address of the Registered office
- Firm Registration details
- The user needs to enter the following details of the
registered company office under the ‘Address of
the Registered Office’ section:
- Door No.- Enter the door number
- Street 1 - Enter the additional address
- Street 2 - Enter the additional address
- Village /Town - Enter the village / Town
name in which it is located
- Mandal - Enter the Mandal name under
which it falls
- District - Enter the District name under
which it falls
- State – Enter the name of the state
- Pin Code- Enter the pin code
- Telephone No.- Enter the 8 digit
official landline number along with STD code
- Fax No.- Enter the fax number
Note 3: Only Street
2, Telephone No. and Fax No. fields in
the section is optional to enter.
- The user needs to enter the following registration
details for the company ‘Firm Registration
Details’ section:
- Year of Establishment – Enter the year
when the company is established
- Registration No. – Enter the
registration number of the company
- Year of commencement – Enter the year
when the company commenced its operation
- Registering Authority – Enter the name
of the authority with which the company is registered
Note 4: The Year of commencement
should be greater than Year of Establishment. All the fields are
mandatory to enter in this secction
- After all the above mentioned details are filled-in,
click on the ‘Save & Next’ button to save
the entered details and to proceed to the next step of updating
the promoter details
- Click on the ‘Save & Exit’ button to
save the entered details and go back to home link of the
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ button to quit
updating the firm details and go back to the home link of
Note 5: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Manage Promoter Details
- Click on ‘Save & Next’ button on the
firm details page or click on the ‘Manage
Promoter Details’ link on the dashboard, the system displays the
form to update the promoter details
- User can also navigate to the ‘Manage
Promoter Details’ page of the manage profile screen by clicking
on the ‘Manage Promoter Details’ option under
the ‘Profile’ link at the top right of the
website , as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #7: Manage Promoter Details
- The form is divided into the following 2 sections:
- Promoter Contact Information
- Financial information
- The user needs to enter the following details of the
promoter of the company which can be an individual or a company;
under the ‘Promoter Contact Information’ section:
- Surname: Enter surname
- First Name: Enter first name
- Door No.- Enter the door number
- Street 1 - Enter the address details
- Street 2 - Enter the additional address
- Village /Town - Enter the village / Town
name in which the promoting individual/company is based
- Mandal - Enter the Mandal name under
which it falls
- District - Enter the District name under
which it falls
- State – Enter the name of the state
- Pin Code- Enter the pin code
- Mobile No. – Enter the mobile number of
the individual/company
- Telephone No.- Enter the 8 digit
official landline number along with STD code
- Fax No.- Enter the fax number
Note 6: Only Street
2, Telephone No. and Faxes No.
fields in the section are optional to enter.
- The user needs to enter the following details for the
company ‘Financial Information’ section:
- Functional Responsibilities in proposed
project – Enter the designation /capacity in which the promoter
is engaged in the project
- Assets (Rs. in Lakhs) - Enter the value
of total Assets of the promoter
- Liabilities (Rs. in Lakhs) - Enter the
value of total Liabilities of the promoter
- Other Assets (Rs. in Lakhs) – Enter the
value of other Assets of the promoter
- PAN No. – Enter the PAN
number of the promoter
- Details of Immovable Assets, Land and
Building etc – Provide brief description of the other fixed
assets of the promoter
- Any other Information – Provide any
other information on the financial status of the promoter
Note 7: Only PAN
No, Details of Immovable Assets, Land and
Building etc and Any other Information fields
in the section are optional to enter.
- After all the above mentioned details are filled-in,
click on the ‘Save & Exit’ button to save
the entered details and go back to home link of the dashboard
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ button to quit
updating the firm details and navigate back to the home link to
the dashboard
Note 8: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Change Email ID
- Click on the ‘Change Email ID’ link on
the dashboard to update any changes in the email ID on which you
receive email notification from the APIIC website
- User can also navigate to the ‘Change
Email ID’ page of the manage profile screen by clicking on the ‘Change
Email ID’ option under the ‘Profile’ link at
the top right of the website
- On clicking the ‘Change Email ID’ link
on the dashboard , the system displays change email ID form, as
indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #8: Change Email ID
- User needs to enter the following details in the form to
update the email ID :
- Password – Enter the current login
- New email ID – Enter the new email ID
where you wish to receive the email notifications from the
- Confirm Email ID – Re-enter the
new email ID for confirmation
- After all the above mentioned details are filled-in,
click on the ‘Update’ button to update change in
the system
- The system displays confirmation message on successful
update of the email ID
- An email notification and SMS alert is sent to the user
on the new email ID and the designated mobile number
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the email ID
Note 9: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 10: All the fields in
the form are mandatory to enter.
Change Mobile No.
- Click on the ‘Change Mobile No.’ link on
the dashboard to update any changes in the mobile number on which
you receive SMS alerts from the APIIC website.
- User can also navigate to the ‘Change
Mobile No.’ Page of the manage profile screen by clicking on the
‘Change Mobile No.’ option under the ‘Profile’
link at the top right of the website
- On clicking the ‘Change Mobile No.’ link
on the dashboard , the system displays change mobile no. form, as
indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #9: Change Mobile No.
- User needs to enter the following details in the form to
update the mobile no.:
- Password – Enter the current login
- Mobile No. – Enter the new mobile number
where you wish to receive the SMS alerts from the website
- Confirm Mobile No. – Re-enter the
new mobile number for confirmation
- After all the above mentioned details are filled-in,
click on the ‘Update’ button to update change in
the system
- The system displays confirmation message on successful
update of the mobile number
- An email notification and SMS alert is sent to the user
on the new mobile number and designated email ID
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the mobile number.
Note 11: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 12: All the fields in
the form are mandatory to enter.
Change Password
- Click on the ‘Change Password’ link on
the dashboard to change the password for logging-in to the APIIC
- User can also navigate to the ‘Change
Password’’ Page of the manage profile screen by clicking on the
‘Change Password’’ option under the ‘Profile’
link at the top right of the website
- On clicking the ‘Change Password’ link
on the dashboard , the system displays the change password form,
as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #10: Change Password
- User needs to enter the following details in the form to
update the email ID :
- Old Password – Enter the current login
- New Password – Enter the new password
you wish to login to APIIC account
- Confirm Password. – Re-enter the
new password for confirmation
- After all the above mentioned details are filled-in,
click on the ‘Update’ button to update change in
the system
- The system displays confirmation message on successful
update of the password
- An email notification and SMS alert is sent to the user
on the designated email ID and mobile number
- Click on the ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the password
Note 13: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 14: All the fields in
the form are mandatory to enter.
New Application
- Click on the ‘ New Application ‘ link
/button on the ‘My Home’ screen to create a new Application to
seek allotment of plots/sheds/shops/godowns
to set- up industries/Businesses or common use facility for
industries; the same is indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #11: My Home- New Application link
- On clicking the ‘New Application’ link
button, the system displays the following screen explaining the
terms and conditions of submitting and processing the
Applications for allotment :
Screen #12: New Application- Terms and Conditions
- Read the mentioned Terms and Conditions and click on the
‘ Accept and Continue to Application’ button to
confirm that you understand the terms and conditions and to
proceed further with the Application
- Click on the ‘Decline and Exit ’ button
to quit creating the Application and go back to the ‘ My Home ‘
- Click on the ‘ Print’ button to print
the terms and conditions
- On clicking the ‘Print’ button, the
system opens the terms and condition in a new window with a print
icon to give the print command, the same is indicated in the
screenshot below:
Screen #13: New Application- Print Terms and
- Click on the Print icon to give the print command to the
printer and set the print options.
New Application – Plot Details – Step 1
- On clicking the ‘Accept
and continue to Application’ button on the Terms and Conditions
page, the system displays the ‘Plot Detail’ page of the new
- The Plot details page is divided into 2 tabs:
- Select
- Verify and Confirm
- Click on the ‘Select’ tab to enter the
details of the plot you seek for allocation, the system displays
the plot information screen, as indicated in the screenshot
Screen #14: New Application- Plot Details- Select
- The plot information page is further divided into the
below 2 sections:
- Select Plot
- Selected Plot(s)
C.5.1.1 Select
- User needs to provide the following details under the ‘Select
Plot’ section:
- District – <Drop down> - Select
the District from the dropdown list, under which you seek the
plot(s) for allotment
- Industrial Park –<Drop down>
- Select the Industrial Park from the dropdown list ,under which
seek the plot(s) for allotment
- Click on the ‘Go’ button besides the ‘Industrial
Park’ Dropdown field ,the system generates the list of available
plot available under the industrial park and displays in the ‘Select
Plot ‘ dropdown list
- Once the ‘Go’ button is clicked the
District and Industrial park dropdowns are freezed and disabled
- Select Plot – <Drop down>
-Select the plot (s) for which you seek allotment
- Once the plot is selected , the system displays the Area
and price per unit of the selected plot
- Area( in Sq. Mtrs) - <auto-populated
display field> - the system displays the area of the plot in
Square meters
- Rs. Per Sq. Mtr - <auto-populated
display field> - the system displays the price per square
meter area of the plot
- Click on the ‘Reset’ button to discard
the selections and reselect the district , IP and plot(s)
Note 15: System will display a
confirmation message for discarding d the plot selection
Note 16: User can apply for
multiple plots under the selected district and industrial park in
a single application
- Click on the ‘Add to My Selected Plots’
button to add the selected plot to list of selected plot(s), the
same gets displayed under the ‘Selected Plot(s)’
- The system displays the following details of the selected
plots under the ‘Selected Plot(s)’ section : as
indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #15: New Application- Plot Details- Select
- District – District under which the plot
is selected for allotment
- Industrial Park – Industrial park under
which the plot is selected for allotment
- Area (in Sq.Mtrs ) – Area of the plot
- Price (in Rs) - Price of the Plot
- EMD (in Rs.) – the Earnest money deposit
which is required to be deposited with APIIC to consider the
Application for allotment of the selected plot(s)
EMD =10% of the value of the plot
- Pending Application – It displays the
link to view the pending applications under consideration for the
allotment of the same plot
- Delete – It displays the link to delete
the selected plot
- The system calculates and displays the following values:
- Total Area (in Sq Mtrs)= Sum of Area of
all the selected Plots
- Total Price (in Rs) – Sum of Prices of
all the selected plots
- Total EMD = Sum of EMD of all the
selected plots
- Process Fee = 0.1 % of the Total price
of all the selected plots
- DD Amount = Total EMD + Process Fee
Note 17: Applicants seeking
allotment under the SC/ST category are exempted from paying the
processing fee.
- DD Amount is the Amount payable to APIIC
which is deposited along with the Application
- Enter any additional specifications regarding the
requirement of the plots
Note 18: If the applicant is
seeking only a portion of the plot and not the complete plot,
then specifying the same is mandatory under additional
- Click on the ‘Confirm Selected Plot(s)’
to validate the plots selected for allotment.
C.5.1.2 Verify and
- On clicking the ‘Confirm Selected
Plot(s)’, the selected plots are freezed for the application for
allotment and the system displays the plot details for
re-confirmation, as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #16: New Application- Plot Details- Verify
and Confirm tab-2
- Verify the plot details , reconfirm on the same and click
on the ‘Verify & Continue’ button to proceed
to the next step of online Application
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
plot details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 19: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 20: User needs to enter the
details in the select tab to move to the next tab
Note 21: User needs to complete the
Step-1 before proceeding to the step -2 which is ‘Verify Firm
New Application – Verify Firm Details– Step 2
- On clicking the ‘Verify & Continue
‘ button or on the ‘Verify Firm details ‘ tab on
the top navigation bar , the system will display the Firm
Registration form , as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #17: New Application- Verify Firm Details
- The Firm Registration Form is divided into the following
- Address of the Registered Office
- Communication Address
- Firm Registration Details
- Previous Allotment Details
- Name of the Firm/Applicant – Enter your
name or the name of the firm for which you seek allotment
- Address of the Registered Office
- If the user has already entered the ‘Firm Details ‘ in
the Manage Profile screen , then this section will be displayed
as prefilled and user can update the details if there are any
changes in the address of the registered office
- If the user has not updated the ‘Firm Details’ in the
Manage Profile Screen before creating the Application, then
user needs to enter the details but the same will be applicable
for this particular Application and will not be reflected in
the ‘Manage Firm Details’ screen
Note 22: Please refer to section ‘Manage Firm Details’, for more information on ‘Address
of the Registered Office.
- Category – Select the category to
which the user belongs from the following options:
- SC
- ST
- Technocrat
- Ex service
- Women
- General
- Resigned from service
- Type of Organization – Select the type
of your organization from the following options:
- Proprietary Concern
- Partnership firm
- Private ltd. co.
- Public ltd. co.
- Co-op society
- Government. Dept.
- If type of organization is Govt.
Dept.- if the user selects the type of organization as
‘Government Dept. ‘ then this input box is enabled to enter
- Is there a different communication
Address – Check the check box if there is an alternate
communication address
- Communication Address
User needs to enter the following details
under this section:
- Door No.- Enter the door number
- Street 1 - Enter the additional address
- Street 2 - Enter the additional address
- Village /Town - Enter the village / Town
name in which it is located
- Mandal - Enter the Mandal name under
which it falls
- District - Enter the District name under
which it falls
- State – Enter the name of the state
- Country- Enter the name of the country
- Pin Code- Enter the pin code
- Telephone No.- Enter the 8 digit
official landline number along with STD code
- Fax No.- Enter the fax number
Note 23: Only Street
2, Telephone No. and Faxes No. in
the section are optional to enter.
- Registration Details
- If the user has already entered the ‘Firm Details ‘ in
the Manage Profile screen , then this section will be displayed
as prefilled and user can update the details if there are any
changes in the registration details
- If the user has not updated the ‘Firm Details’ in the
Manage Profile Screen before creating the Application, then user
needs to enter the details but the same will be applicable only
for this particular Application and will not be reflected in the
‘Manage Firm Details’ screen
Note 24: Please refer to section ‘Manage Firm Details’, for more information on
‘Registration details’.
Note 25: If the type of
organization selected under the ‘Address of the
Registered Office’ section is ‘Proprietary Concern’, then
the registration details are optional to enter. For other types
of organization registration details are mandatory.
- Previous Allotment Details
User needs to enter the following details
under this section:
- Plot No.- Enter the plot no. of any
previous allotment
- House No – Enter house no. of any
previous allotment
- Shop – Enter the shop no. of any
previous allotment
- Shed Name – Enter the shed name of any
previous allotment
- Other Details – Enter any other details
any previous allotment
- Status Allotted /Lease Name – Enter the
allotted status pt lease name
- Click on the ‘Verify & Continue’
button to proceed to the next step of online Application that is
‘Verify Promoter Details’
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 26: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 27: User needs to complete the
Step-2 before proceeding to the step -2 which is ‘Verify Promoter
New Application – Verify Promoter Details – Step 3
- On clicking the ‘Verify & Continue’
button in the ‘Verify Firm details’ screen or on the ‘Verify
Promoter Details’ on the top navigation bar, the system will
display the ‘Key Promoter’ form
, as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #18: New Application- Verify Promoter
Details- Key Promoter
- The Verify promoter detail is divided into the following
2 tabs:
- Key Promoter
- Additional Promoter(s)
C.5.3.1 Key Promoter
- The’ Key Promoter Form’ is divided into
the following sections:
- Contact information
- Financial information
- If the user has already entered the Promoter Details in
the Manage Profile screen , then the key promoter form will be
displayed as prefilled and user can update the details if there
are any changes
- If the user has not updated the Promoter Details in the
Manage Profile Screen before creating the Application, then user
needs to enter the promoter details but the same will be
applicable only for this particular Application and will not be
reflected in the ‘Manage Promoter Details’ screen
Note 28: Please refer to section ‘Manage Promoter Details’, for more information on
promoter details.
- Click on the ‘Verify & Continue’
button to proceed to the next tab that is ‘Additional
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 29: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
C.5.3.2 Additional
- The ‘Additional Promoter(s)’ form
displays 3 rows to enter the details of the additional promoter,
the same is indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #19: New Application- Verify Promoter
Details- Additional Promoter(s)
Note30: The additional
promoter details are optional to enter.
- The user needs to enter the following details of the
additional promoters in each row:
- Name- Enter the name of the additional
- Address - Enter the address of the
additional promoter
- Contact No.- Enter the 10 digit mobile
number of the additional promoter
- Qualification – Enter the educational
qualification of the of the additional promoter
- Experience(Years) – Enter the totals
number of years of experience of the additional promoter
- Net Worth (Rs. In crores) – Enter the
value of the total assets of the additional promoter
- User can delete a filled-in row by clicking on delete
Note 31: The system displays
confirmation message before deleting the row
Note 32: The system does not allow
users to delete an empty row
- Click on the ‘Add More Rows’ button to
add more promoters and 3 rows get displayed to enter the details
NNote 33:The system displays
confirmation message before adding the rows
NNote 34: User needs to
enter the details in the key promoter tab to move to the next tab
‘additional promoter(s)
- Click on the ‘Verify & Continue’
button to proceed to the next step of the online Application that
is project details
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
promoter details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 35: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 36: User needs to complete the
Step-3 before proceeding to the step -4 which is ‘Enter Project
New Application – Enter Project Details – Step 4
- On Clicking the ‘Verify & Continue’
button in the promoter details screen or on the ‘Enter
Project details’ on the top navigation bar, the system will
display Project details page, as indicated in the screenshot
Screen #20: New Application- Enter Project
Details- General
- The project details are divided into the following 5
- General
- Financial
- Employment
- Material and Manufacturing process
- Plant and Machinery
C.5.4.1 General
- The ‘General’ tab is further divided into the following
- General Information
- Proposed product
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘General
Information’ section:
- Type Venture - specify if the proposed
project is a manufacturing or service venture
- Project Status – specify if the proposed
project is a new project/Expansion or Diversification
- Project Category- Select the category of
the project from the available options
- Project Name /Description- Enter the
name and details of the proposed project
Note 37: All the details under this
section is mandatory to enter
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Proposed
Products’ section:
- Product – Enter the proposed product
- Product Code ITC (HS) / NIC (HS) - Enter
the code of the proposed product
- Unit of Measurement - Enter the unit of
measurement for the proposed product
- Installed Capacity - Enter the installed
capacity for producing the proposed product
- User can delete a filled-in row by clicking on delete
Note 38: The system displays
confirmation message before deleting the row
Note 39: The system does not allow
users to delete an empty row
- Click on the ‘Add More Rows’ button to
add more productd and 3 rows get displayed to enter the product
NNote 40: The system
displays confirmation message before adding the rows
NNote 41: The above details
about the product are optional to enter
- Expected date of commencement of
construction – Enter the Date on which the
proposed project is planned to begin the construction
- Expected date of trial operations – Enter
the Date on which the trial operation of the proposed project are
planned to begin
- Expected date of commencement of
commercial operations – Enter the date on which the commercial
operations of the proposed project are planned to begin
NNote 42: The user can enter
the above details of the project plan for 3 phases with phase 1
details mandatory to enter
NNote 43: All the dates
should be future dates and cannot be a past date
Note44: The trial operation
date should be greater than the construction commencement date
for each phase
NNote 45: The commercial
operation commencement date should be greater than the trial
operation date and construction commencement date
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next tab which is financial details of
the project
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 46: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
NNote 47: User needs to
update the general details tab before moving to the next tab
which is ‘Financial’
C.5.4.2 Financial
- The ‘Financial’ tab is further divided into the following
- Estimated Project Cost (Rs. in Lakhs)
- Equity and Debt Information (Rs. in
- Estimated Project Cost (Rs. in Lakhs)
- Estimated Project Cost (Rs. in Lakhs)
- Estimated Project Cost (Rs. In Lakhs)
- Equity and Debt Information (Rs. in
- Equity and Debt information (Rs. In
- Approval (Please fill the applicable)
Screen #21: New Application- Enter Project
Details- Financial
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Estimated
Project Cost’ section:
- Land – Enter the value of the land to be
engaged in the project
- Buildings - Enter the value of the land
of the building to be engaged in the project
- Machinery
- Imported- Enter the value
of the imported machinery to be employed in the project
- Indigenous- Enter the value
of the indigenous machinery to be employed in
the project
- Auxiliary Equipment - Enter the value
of the auxiliary equipments to be employed in the project
- Misc. Fixed Assets - Enter the value of
any miscellaneous fixed assets to be employed in the project
- Contingencies – Enter the value of any
contingencies to be used in the project
- Preliminary and Pre-operative Expenses –
Enter the value for the expected preliminary and pre-operative
- Work Capital Margin – Enter the value of
the expected working capital requirement for the different phases
of the project
- Total- It is the sum of all the values
entered in this section and is auto-calculated by the system
NNote 48: The user can enter
the above details of the project plan for 3 phases with phase 1
details mandatory to enter
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Equity
and Debt information ‘section:
- Equity
- Domestic- Enter the value of the
domestic equity to be employed in the project
- Foreign - Enter the value of the
foreign equity to be employed in the project
- Total Equity –It is the sum of the
values of the domestic and foreign equity and is
auto-calculated by the system
- Debt
- Others (Please specify) – Enter the
name and value of the debt amount to be employed in the project
- Total Equity + Debt- It the sum of the
total value of the equity and the debts and is auto-calculated
by the system
NNote 49: The Equity and
debt information is optional to enter but once the details are
entered then it should follow the rule that:
Total Equity + Debt = Total project cost
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Approvals’
- Foreign Investment Promotion Committee /
Reserve Bank of India Approval No.- Enter the number and date of
approval if applicable
- IEM- Enter the number and date of
approval of IEM ,if applicable
- Letter of Intent (LOI) No.- Enter the
number and date of approval of LOI, if applicable
- EOU No.- Enter the number and
date of approval of EOU
Note 50: The Approval details are
optional to enter.
Note 51: If the approval details
are entered, then both number and date are mandatory to enter.
Note 52: All the dates entered
should be a past dates i.e lesser than the current date.
Note 53: The system displays
validation message to check for the all the mentioned conditions
under the section.
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next tab which is Employment details of
the project
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 54: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
NNote 55: User needs to
update the financial details tab before moving to the next tab
which is ‘Employment ‘
C.5.4.3 Employment
- The ‘Employment’ tab is further divided into the
following sections:
- Direct Employment
- Gender Details
- Indirect Employment
Screen #22: New Application- Enter Project
Details- Employment
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Direct
Employment’ section:
- Unskilled- Enter the number of planned
unskilled workers to be employed for the project
- Skilled - Enter the number of planned
skilled workers to be employed for the project
- Supervisory - Enter the number of
workers planned to be employed for the supervisory roles in the
- Managerial - Enter the number of workers
planned to be employed for the managerial roles in the project
- Total- It is the sum of the number of
all the workers planned to be employed as a part of direct
employment in the project and is auto- calculated by the system
NNote 56: The user can enter
the above details of the project plan for 3 phases with phase 1
details mandatory to enter
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Gender
Details’ section:
- Male- Enter the number of male worker
planned to be employed as a part of direct employment in the
- Female – The system auto-calculates the
number of female worker planned to be employed as a part of direct
employment as per the below formula:
Female = Total number of direct worker- Male
NNote 57: The gender details
section is optional to enter for all the phases.
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Indirect
Employment ‘section:
- Maximum no. of workers proposed to be
employed in the factory- Enter the planned number of workers to
be employed as a part of indirect employment in the project
NNote 58: It is mandatory to
enter the indirect employment details.
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next tab which is material and
manufacturing process of the project
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 59: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
NNote 60: User needs to
update the Employment details tab before moving to the next tab
which is ‘Material and Manufacturing Process’
C.5.4.4 Material and
Manufacturing Process
- The ‘Material and Manufacturing process ‘tab is further
divided into the following sections:
- Raw Material Consumption
- Manufacturing Process
Screen #23: New Application- Enter Project
Details- Material and Manufacturing process
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Raw
Material Consumption’ section:
- Description of Item – Enter the
Name/description of the raw material to be used to manufacture
the end product
- Item Code ITC (HS) / NIC(HS) - Enter the
raw material item code as per the ITC or NIC
product classification
- Daily Consumption at Full Capacity- Enter
the planned daily consumption of the raw material in full
capacity of manufacturing operations
- Unit of Measurement – Enter the unit of
measurement of the raw material for daily consumption
- User can delete a filled-in row by clicking on delete
Note 61: The system displays
confirmation message before deleting the row
Note 62: The system does not allow
users to delete an empty row
Note 63: The raw material section
is optional to enter
- Click on the ‘Add More Rows’ button to
add more raw material product details and 3 rows get displayed to
enter the details
- User needs to enter the following details under the
‘Manufacturing Process ‘ section:
- Brief description of process technology used for
manufacturing the end product along with a flow chart
- Mention if the you have any technical collaboration for
the manufacturing process, if yes then enter the details of the
- Mention If the Process technology involves usage of
steam, if applicable then enter the details of steam generator
i.e, Boiler and provide the details of capacity and fuel to be
Note 64: The ‘manufacturing
process’ section is optional to enter
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next tab which is ‘Plant and machinery ‘
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 65: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
NNote 66: User needs to
update the Material and Manufacturing Process details tab before
moving to the next tab which is ‘Plant and machinery’
C.5.4.5 Plant and
Screen #24: New Application- Enter Project
Details- Plant and Machinery
- Enter the list of plant and machinery and the details of
their capacity in terms of the power requirement in Kilowatt
- User can enter multiple plant and machinery details and
also delete a filled-in row by clicking on delete icon
Note 67: The system displays
confirmation message before deleting the row
Note 68: The system does not allow
users to delete an empty row
Note 69: The plant and machinery
details are optional to enter
- Mention If the factory or the manufacturing unit will
engage any high pressure reaction vessel , if yes then enter the
number of such vessels that are planned to be used
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next step of the online application
which is Land Details
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 70: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 71: User needs to complete the
Step-4 before proceeding to the step -5 which is ‘Enter Land
New Application – Enter Land Details – Step 5
- On Clicking the ‘Save & Continue’
button in the plant and machinery screen or on the ‘Enter
Land details’ on the top navigation bar, the system will display
land details screen
- The Land details are further divided into the following 4
tabs, the same is indicated in the screenshot below:
- Land
- Electricity
- Water
- Effluents
Screen #25: New Application- Enter Land Details-
C.5.5.1 Land
- User needs to enter the following details under the ‘Land’
- Enter the total area of land required for the proposed
project :
- Plant and Factory Buildings – Enter the
area planned to be utilized for plant and factory buildings
- Administration Buildings – Enter the
area planned to be utilized for administration buildings
- Storage and Warehousing –Enter the area
planned to be utilized for storage and warehousing
- Roads, Water storage, sub-station etc. –
Enter the area to be utilized for roads, water storage and
- Open Areas, Green Belt etc – Enter the
area that will be used as open areas, green belts etc.
- Total- It is the sum of the areas
planned to be utilized in the project and is auto- calculated by
the system
Note 72: The user can enter the
above details of the land for 3 phases with phase 1 details
mandatory to enter
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next tab which is ‘Electricity’
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 73: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 74: User needs to update the
Land details tab before moving to the next tab which is
C.5.5.2 Electricity
- On clicking the ‘Save & Continue’ button on the land
page , the system displays the ‘Electricity’ details screen, as
indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #26: New Application- Enter Land Details-
- User needs to enter the following details under the
‘Electricity’ tab:
- Energy Source
- APTRANSCO Supply – Enter the energy
units planned to be drawn from APTRANSCO
- Own Generation – Enter the energy
units planned to be generated for use in the project
- DG Set – Energy units planned to be
drawn from diesel generator sets
Note 75: All the above details are
optional to enter
- Energy Requirement
- Power requirements from APTRANSCO(in
KVA) – Enter the units of power required from APTRANSCO
- Contracted maximum demand (in KVA)- Enter
the contracted maximum power requirement
- Required power supply line (KV) – Enter
the required power supply line
- Voltage rating at which HT supplies
required- Enter the voltage rating at which high tension
supply is needed
- Connected load (KW)- Enter the
connected load in kilowatts
- Load factor – Enter the value of the
load factor of the power source
Note 76: All the above details are
optional to enter
- Probable date of requirement of power
- Construction phase date- Enter the
planned date of commencement of construction phase of the
- Commercial production date – Enter the
planned date of commencement of commercial production date
Note 77: The user can enter the
above details of the land for 3 phases with phase 1 details
mandatory to enter
Note 78: Both the construction and
commercial production dates cannot be past dates
Note 79: Commercial production date
should be greater than commercial production date
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next tab which is ‘Water’
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 80: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 81: User needs to update the
Electricity details tab before moving to the next tab which is
C.5.5.3 Water
- On clicking the ‘Save & Continue’ button on the
Electricity page, the system displays the ‘Water’ details screen,
as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #27: New Application- Enter Land Details-
- User needs to enter the following details under the
‘Water’ tab:
- Temporary (during construction)
- Domestic - Enter the highest volume of
water required per day during the construction phase of project
for domestic purpose
- Industrial - Enter the highest volume
of water required per day during the construction phase of
project for industrial purpose
- Permanent (commercial production phase)
- Domestic - Enter the highest volume of
water required per day during the commercial production phase
of project for domestic purpose
- Industrial - Enter the highest volume
of water required per day during the commercial production
phase of project for industrial purpose
Note 82: The user can enter the
above details of the land for 3 phases with phase 1 details
mandatory to enter
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next tab which is ‘Effluents’
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 83: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 84: User needs to update the
Water details tab before moving to the next tab which is
C.5.5.4 Effluents
- On clicking the ‘Save & Continue’ button on the
‘Water’ page, the system displays the ‘Effluents ‘details screen,
as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #28: New Application- Enter Land Details-
- User needs to enter the following details under the
‘Effluents’ tab:
- Effluents Quantity (m3/day) – Enter the
volume of liquid waste expected to be generated in the production
phase of project
- Solid Waste (kg/day) - Enter the amount
solid waste expected to be generated in the production phase of
- Brief description on types of effluents
generated, treatment proposed and Disposal System Description –
Provide a brief explanation on the type of effluents
and their treatment and disposal plans
Note 85: All the details under this
section are optional to enter
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next step of the online application
which is Payment Details
- Click on ‘Save & Exit’ to save the
firm details and quit to go back to the ‘My Home ‘ screen
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 86: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 87: User needs to complete the
Step-5 before proceeding to the step -6 which is ‘DD Payment
New Application – DD Payment Details – Step 6
- On Clicking the ‘Save & Continue’
button in the Effluent details screen or on the ‘DD
Payment Details’ tab on the top navigation bar, the system will
display Payment details screen, as indicated in the screenshot
Screen #29: New Application- DD Payment Details
- User needs to enter the following details under the
‘Effluents’ tab:
- DD Number – Enter the Demand Draft
number drawn in favor of APIIC towards payment of EMD and
Processing fees of Application
- Bank Name – Enter the name of the bank
from which the DD is drawn
- Branch Name - Enter the branch name of
the bank from which the DD is drawn
- DD Date - Enter the Date on which the DD
is drawn towards payment of EMD and Processing fees
- Payable DD Amount – System
auto-populates the amount payable to APIIC towards payment of EMD
and Processing fees
- DD Amount – Enter to DD Amount
- Upload – Upload the scanned copy of the
DD by clicking on the browse button and selecting the file to be
Note 88: File upload only in the jpeg /
jpg / png / gif formats is allowed for scanned copy of DD/PO
Note 89: Once the scanned copy of the DD
is uploaded, a ‘View ’ button is displayed to view the same
- Click on ‘Skip & Exit’ to skip
updating the payment details and proceed to the next step of
online Application which is ‘Finish’
- Click on the ‘Save & Continue’
button to proceed to the next step of the online application
which is ‘Finish’
- Click on ‘Cancel’ button to quit the
process of updating the Application and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 90: System will display a
confirmation message for quitting the update process on clicking
the ‘Cancel’ button
Note 91: User needs to complete the
Step-6 before proceeding to the step -7 which is ‘Finish’
New Application – Finish – Step 7
- On Clicking the ‘Save & Continue’
button in the payment details screen or on the ‘Finish
tab on the top navigation bar, the system will display upload
document screen, as indicated in the screenshot below:
Screen #30: New Application- DD Payment Details
- User needs to upload the following document under this
- Detailed project report with process
flow chart and justification of land requirements- Mandatory
to upload in the prescribed .PDF file format
- Entrepreneurs Memorandum part I / part
II (SSI Registration) or GDTD Certification or applicable
certification- Mandatory to upload in the prescribed .PDF
file format
- Copy of partnership deed / Articles of
memorandum & Association of the company / Society
registration (as applicable)- Optional to upload in
prescribed pdf /gif / jpeg / jpg / png file formats
Note 92: If the type of
organization selected in the ‘Firm registration details’ section
is ‘Partnership Firm’ then the above document is mandatory to
- Plant / Machinery layout with details of
greenery / lawn to be maintained as per the APPCB norms, if any-
Mandatory to upload in the prescribed .PDF file format
- Certificate copy of community / Caste
certificate, if any- Optional to upload in prescribed pdf
/gif / jpeg / jpg / png file formats
Note 93: If the Applicant is
seeking allotment under SC/ST category then community /caste
certificate is mandatory to upload
- Certificate copy of address proof- Mandatory
to upload in the prescribed pdf /gif / jpeg / jpg / png file
- Copy of PAN card for identity proof- Mandatory
to upload in the prescribed pdf /gif / jpeg / jpg / png file
- Photograph of the applicant(s)- Mandatory
to upload in the prescribed pdf /gif / jpeg / jpg / png file
- Any other relevant documents- Optional
to upload
- User needs to check the checkbox against the self
declaration form to validate the same
- Click on ‘Save’ to save the application
along with the uploaded documents and go back to the ‘My Home’
Note 94: Once the documents are
uploaded and ‘Save’ button is
clicked,’ view button is displayed to view the document.
Note 95: User can edit the
Application from the ‘My Home’ screen through Edit link
- Click on the ‘Finish’ button to submit
the Application to APIIC for consideration in the committee
- On successful submission of the Application an email is
triggered to all the board members of the committee of the
district under which the Applicant seeks allotment. The email
also includes a ‘View’ link to view the Application details
- An SMS alert and email is also triggered to the user on
successful submission of the Application
- After submission of the application, user can view the
summary of the Applications created by him, in both saved or
submitted status in the ‘My Home’ Page , the same is indicated in
the screenshot below:
Screen #31: My Home Page – My Applications
- The following details of the Applications are displayed
in the ‘My Application’ section of ‘My Home’ screen:
- Application ID – Unique Application
identification number generated by the system
- District – The district under which the
Application seeks allotment
- Industrial Park – The industrial park
under which the Application seeks allotment
- Plot No. selected – The plot (s) for
which the Application seeks allotment
- Application creation Date – The date on
which the Application was created in the saved or submitted mode
- Application Completion Date – The date
on which the Application are submitted to APIIC
- Status – The status of the Application:
incomplete (saved) or submitted
- Edit /View - The link are displayed
based on the status of the Application
- Edit – Displayed against ‘Incomplete’
Applications , on clicking it opens the Application in editable
mode to enable the user to complete the Application
- View – Displayed against the ‘Submitted’
Applications , on clicking it opens the Application in
non-editable /read-only mode to enable the user to view the
details of the Application
- DD Payment – It indicates the status of
the payment details section of the Application if it has been
completed or not
- Print - The link is displayed against
the submitted application ,on clicking it opens the Application
in non-editable /read-only mode with print icon to enable users
to print the Application , the same is indicated in the
screenshot below:
Screen #32: My Home Page – My Applications –
View Submitted Application
- User can view a report on the submitted Applications by
clicking on the ‘View Submitted Application’ link on the Home
Page, the system display a summary of all the Application that
have been submitted by the user, the same is indicated in the
screenshot below:
Screen #33: My Home Page – View Submitted
- The following details of the Applications are displayed
in the ‘Submitted Application’ section:
- Application ID – Unique Application
identification number generated by the system
- District – The district under which the
Application seeks allotment
- Industrial Park – The industrial park
under which the Application seeks allotment
- Plot No. selected – The plot (s) for
which the Application seeks allotment
- View - On clicking it opens the
Application in non-editable /read-only mode to enable the user to
view the details of the Application
- Print - On clicking it opens the
Application in non-editable /read-only mode with print icon to
enable users to print the Application
C.7 View Incomplete Applications
- User can view a report on the incomplete and saved
Applications by clicking on the ‘View incomplete Application’
link on the Home Page, the system display a summary of all the
Application that have been saved by the user and are yet to be
completed and submitted to APIIC; the same is indicated in the
screenshot below:
Screen #34: My Home Page – View Incomplete
- The following details of the Applications are displayed
in the ‘Submitted Application’ section:
- Application ID – Unique Application
identification number generated by the system
- District – The district under which the
Application seeks allotment
- Industrial Park – The industrial park
under which the Application seeks allotment
- Plot No. selected – The plot (s) for
which the Application seeks allotment
- DD Payment – It indicates the status of
the payment details section of the Application if it has been
completed or not
- Edit - On clicking it opens the
Application in editable mode to enable the user to complete the
- FAQ section can be referred by the user to seek answers
to the frequently asked questions with regards to the submission
and processing of the online Application for allotment of plots.
D: Business Rules
Business Rules
- Physical copy of the Application in the prescribed format
should be submitted in the nearest zonal/sub- zonal office of
APIIC, within 2 Days of filing online Application.
- Application is submitted along with refundable Earnest
Money Deposit (10% of sales consideration) and non-refundable
process fees (0.1 % of the sales consideration)
- Total payable amount towards APIIC for filing an
Application for allotment = EMD + Processing Fees
- Applicants belonging to SC or ST category are exempted
from the payment of EMD.
- If the Applicant is seeking allotment under SC or ST
category then the caste certificate in the prescribed format
needs to be submitted along with the Application
- Separate Application for each industrial unit or
expansion of industrial unit needs to be submitted.
- Applicant can seek allotment of multiple plots under same
Industrial park in a single Application
- If the user enters the firm and promoter detail for an
application without updating the same in the ‘My Profile ‘
screen, then the details will be applicable only for the
particular application and will not be reflected in the profile
- For proprietary concerns type of organization , the
registration details are not mandatory to enter
E:Glossary and Terms definition
Andhra Pradesh Industrial infrastructure
Industrial Park
Earnest money deposit
Schedule caste
Schedule tribe
Special Economic Zone
Completely Automated Public Turing Test To
Tell Computers and Humans Apart
Demand Draft
Meter (Unit of measurement of distance)
Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum
Letter of Intent
Export Oriented Units
National industrial classification
(Harmonized commodity description and coding system)
Indian Trade classification (Harmonized
commodity description system)
Transmission corporation of Andhra Pradesh
DG set
Diesel generator set
Kilo Volt Ampere – unit of measurement of
electrical power
Demand Draft